Мы кошки у серверной, как блымкнем - все семеро!
До кучи ещё тесты...
Which Silmarillion / Tolkien elf-girl are you?
Aredhel - Ar-Feinel, White Lady Of The Noldor.
Ah, we loved you, because you're a sucky for boys with dark eyes who are destined to slay you with their javelins.

What Color is Your Heart?

What Flavour Are You?

Warning: I taste like Gasoline.
I may not taste good, but I'm handy to have around if you want to breathe fire. I'm expensive, and sometimes cause disputes. I'm inflammatory, you see. Ha ha.
Current music: Ульи - Открыл окно
Which Silmarillion / Tolkien elf-girl are you?
Aredhel - Ar-Feinel, White Lady Of The Noldor.
Ah, we loved you, because you're a sucky for boys with dark eyes who are destined to slay you with their javelins.

What Color is Your Heart?

What Flavour Are You?

Warning: I taste like Gasoline.
I may not taste good, but I'm handy to have around if you want to breathe fire. I'm expensive, and sometimes cause disputes. I'm inflammatory, you see. Ha ha.
Current music: Ульи - Открыл окно